Mother — who seems to raise her child with a firm conviction of right and wrong, good and bad.
But is she truly confident when the debate in her own head can beat the noise of a football stadium?
Mother — who claims to know the ins and outs, wants and needs of her child.
But does she really know what the child doesn’t want to reveal?
Mother — who feels like a powerhouse of best intentions ready to beat any obstacle for the child.
But is the power enough to fight the intentional opposing forces determined to stand mountains in the way?
Mother — who can cry easily, but not give up so easily.
But do the river of tears really matter when it hits waterproof walls?
Mother — who thinks she can withstand anything to make a difference in the child.
But, is she capable of withstanding the deafeningly loud criticisms of bystanders when the child is not perfect?
Mother — who is willing to sacrifice her life for the child.
But what if the sacrifice means nothing at all?
Mother — who can stand alone to fight the world for the child.
But what if the world fails to even see her?